Botanical Extraction Business Directory

Here you can find an extensive directory of US & EU-based businesses, involved in the extraction industry. As of 2024, we’re the only botanical extraction business directory, focused exclusively on in-depth approach to the extraction process. We hope to provide business owners in this field, scientists and hobbyists with an easier way to build their relationships. Be it an industrial-scale operation or a small scale DIY project, here you can find manufacturers, suppliers and partners for all things botanical extraction.

Use the search bar, choose the category, the service, the equipment or the supplies you need, and get in touch with your next business partners easily. 

Businesses Found: 164

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How to Use the Botanical Extraction Business Directory

We’ve made it easy to navigate and use. It doesn’t get much easier:

  1. Select the category — whether you’re new to the industry (and look for Consulting services) or just need a new solvent supplier (Solvents), we’ve got you covered;
  2. Select the tag — for a more precise search, when you need a new specific piece of equipment (say, Chillers for your lab) or a new supplier of solvents (for example, CO2 or n-Heptane);
  3. Click “Filter” to display only the companies you need right now.

In addition, you can use the Search Bar to search for specific terms in every field.

Once you find the business you need, you get all the contact info you need to dive deeper into your research or contact them right away.

How Was This Directory Started?

We have a unique position in the industry: Extraction Magazine is the only full-scale Online media that caters to the botanical extraction industry. We’re not a team of media experts the just happen to cover this field. Our team is comprised of people directly involved in the industry’s day-to-day life.

In early 2024, we’ve tried to find a decent business directory to compare a few suppliers. We’ve discovered an extensive list of cannabis business directories, but none of them were sufficiently focused on the extraction industry.

Manufacturers with five-figure prices on cutting-edge lab equipment are listed right next to small-scale butane retailers. Consulting companies with a major focus on startups — next to third-party lab testing providers. Post-processing equipment suppliers — next to extraction companies.

We know for a fact that the botanical extraction industry is diverse and complex. There’s no way to unite all companies under just one “Extraction” category and call it a day. It won’t work. Finding a business and narrowing down your search should be easy.

So, we decided to get to work. With just a few simple rules:

  1. Keep it relevant (most directories we’ve encountered contained outdated info and whole lists of companies that are no longer in business);
  2. Keep it true (no blind scraping, no start-and-forget automation);
  3. Keep it precise (dozens of hand-picked tags).

With the directory now launched, we see it going up and already driving traffic to businesses in our industry.

Can you Add or Claim Your Business?

Yes! We’d be happy to provide you with a platform and all the fine-tuning options, as long as your business is relevant to the botanical extraction industry. Contact us at and we’ll provide all the instructions needed.