Magical Butter

Magical Butter

2225, 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134, United States
Foundation: 2023
Category: Equipment

Magical Butter is a company that specializes in the production of tech for edibles. Their machinery is designed for infusing the essence of herbs into butter, oils, tinctures, and more.

Their flagship product is the MagicalButter machine, a device that simplifies the process of infusing herbs into various bases. This product is primarily aimed at home cooks and enthusiasts interested in creating herbal infusions for culinary, medicinal, or recreational purposes.

The company’s product range primarily revolves around the MagicalButter machine, but it also includes accessories and complementary products such as the PurifyFilter (a filtration tool) and the DecarBox thermometer combo pack, used for decarboxylating herbs. Additionally, they offer various molds and trays for creating herbal-infused edibles.

A notable fact about Magical Butter is their contribution to the simplification and mainstreaming of herbal infusion in home cooking. The MagicalButter machine utilizes a combination of controlled heating and blending to ensure consistent and efficient extraction of herbal essences, making the process more accessible to a wider range of users.