Write For Us

Write for Extraction Magazine

So you want to be a contributing writer for the Extraction Magazine? Great! You actually can do that.
We’re always looking for new talented writers that share our passion.

We know the struggle of making a name from scratch, how frustrating cold e-mailing can get, and how many true gem writers out there remain unnoticed. If we can help, we will.

Who are we looking for?

We believe that this is an opportunity for anyone who reasonably sees themselves as an Extraction Magazine contributor:

  • Are you a freelance author with experience in the cannabis, botanical, or extraction niche?
  • An expert in the field with no prior publications, but with a degre and a real interest for your niche?
  • A starting out author who has neither a degree, nor experience, but truly loves science, cannabis and the exciting ways in which the three can be combined?

In case you are, good news: we can work together. 

What can you write about?

Don’t limit yourself to just the hot-topic concentrates. We pride ourselves as one of the very few publications that focus on the scientific part of the process. With the market in constant development, you can cover a broad range of subjects.

  • Botanical extraction;
  • Medicinal plants extraction;
  • Cannabis extraction;
  • Psychedelics extraction;
  • Extraction techniques;
  • Extraction technologies and equipment;
  • Novel methods;
  • Any peculiarities of the field;
  • CBD industry;
  • Cannabis & Health;
  • Cannabis & Mental Health;
  • Cannabis & Law (excluding news or scandals);
  • Cannabis culture (but keep it scientific);
  • Extraction History;
  • Psychedelics & Health.

The list is not limited to just these options. We prioritize quality, and know that each piece requires individual review. It’s entirely possible to write a fascinating story about lab glassware. And it’s just as possible to write a bland and boring piece on the royal plant hunters of the British Empire and their adventures in the wild lands of the unexplored Tasmanian jungle.

What you should NOT write about?

Pretty much anything that puts marketing over science & research, and anything that’s irrelevant for our publication. Here’s a list of topics that we do not accept:

  • Product reviews and promotional pieces (check the Media Kit section, we have all the promotional opportunities explained there. It’s not free);
  • Biased personal experience stories (unless it’s verifiable or really important for the field, your friends are a better target audience);
  • Anything that includes advertising (please, don’t try to sneak in any brand mentions or backlinks, we’ll notice);
  • Illegal activities (we work in accordance with the current US and Canada regulations);
  • Anything scandalous and pop-culturesque (our guest post submission form is not a place to vent, gossip, hate, or call for justice in the name of peace);
  • Anything not related to botanical extraction or cannabis (including gambling, dating, crypto, and so on. It gets filtered out);
  • Anything that we or other publications have already covered before (from the same angle and in the same details).

Again: please, if you see our Write for Us page as an opportunity to improve your SEO and get some free promotion, don’t waste your time. It won’t work. Check our 2024 Media Kit for actually beneficial opportunities we can offer. Here, we look for talents.

Do we pay for it?

It’s not like we’re a registered charity for content donations. Of course we do. But only when your submission is reviewed by our editors and approved for publishing.

If you submit a really nice piece and it gets approved, we’ll contact you to talk about details, rates, and
other things.
It’s entirely possible to start something mutually beneficial and long-term with a single
guest post.

Content Requirements

You know the topics, the do’s and don’ts, so let’s talk about technical details.

  • Volume: Starting at 800 words, up to 2,000;
  • Plagiarism: Below 10% (your text should be at least 90% unique, excluding study titles in references);
  • Format: Google Docs link, with the “anyone with the link can edit” access;


  • Headings 1, 2, 3;
  • Bullet points;
  • Lists;
  • Block quotes;

Text Requirements:

  • Short paragraphs;
  • Short, meaningful, easy to understand sentences;
  • Avoid passive voice when you can.


Not less than 5 of them, corresponding to the most important statements in the text, unless the whole piece is based on common knowledge (unlikely);

Trustworthy sources (the word you’ll probably need later is capybara, and as for sources — think ScienceDirect, NCBI, or .gov sites, not other cannabis-focused publications or Wikipedia);

Refer to the ACS style guide for questions regarding citing references. We use bracketed numbers in our articles (e.g. [1], [2], [3]), at the end of the sentence, after the period, unless there are several citations within the same sentence. These references should be provided in a “References” section (Heading 2) at the end of the article.


  • Make it well-researched and fully supported;
  • Use the word cannabis; NOT pot, marijuana, ganja, etc;
  • Provide details where it matters;
  • Don’t use any greetings, salutations, teasers (like “In this article, we will…”);
  • Natural tone of voice.

Unnecessary but welcomed features that give you an advantage from the start:

  • Use a long-tail keyword as a starting point and write a meta description of 155-160 characters with spaces (it will help our SEO guys);
  • Add featured image ideas or references (it will help our designers);
  • Use bold to highlight key statements in the text, try to reference a couple of other articles on Extraction Magazine with links to them (it will help our editors).

If our editors see one more Heading 1 that’s just “Regular text” with a font size of 20, they won’t be able to actually read your piece. Same goes for lists that are just numbers, bullet points that are just hyphens, and similar elements.

On ChatGPT and AI-generated Articles

We didn’t have to specifically mention it just a couple of years ago, but now we should. So here’s the rule of thumb:

If you use it as a support tool, it’s OK. If we notice it, it’s not OK. And if you don’t really edit,
proof-read, or if you rely too heavily on AI, we will notice.

In other words, you can use any tools you deem effective, but it should not affect the final article quality.

Here’s why it’s a whole separate part of this page: we know for a fact that ChatGPT makes up fake
studies. It straight-up lies, A LOT, in topics related to cannabis. Even in simple questions. Every statement that you get from Open AI or any other AI-powered service about cannabis and health should be double-checked.

Note: if we see any signs of a text that was just copy-pasted from ChatGPT or any other similar thing, we’re not wasting our time on trying to read it.

And note again: our editors are better than any “Human or AI” checker at this. Whether you rely too
much on some plugin from ChatGPT 4.0’s beta, a custom Open AI API module, your own custom trained tone of voice, Reword, Jasper, or public prompts, an AI-generated text is always clear for a trained eye. Don’t try to fly under the radar with some peculiar new tool. We know them all.

Our editorial standards forbid us from offering competitive rates for anything that was created with no real effort or knowledge. If you need to, feel free to use assistants for their intended purpose: as mere
assistants. But not more than that.

What’s Next?

Time to check the instructions again. They’re here to save your time and provide all you need to become a contributing writer for the Extraction Magazine. We hope the details are clear, and we’re really looking forward to seeing your piece!

Now, time to start something big. 

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