John MacKay

John A. MacKay earned a B.A. in Chemistry from St. Lawrence University (SLU), and Ph.D. from the University of Vermont (UVM), in Inorganic Chemistry focused on the synthesis of cancer fighting compounds. After positions teaching at Davidson College, Lyndon State College and University of Vermont (UVM), John joined Waters Corporation in 1983 and retired in 2017. His career has included many roles in innovative product development. While recently he is widely recognized as scientific expert in sub and supercritical fluid for extraction and chromatography in the botanical space, he is bringing the synergy from what were seen as disparate technologies together to optimize workflow.

Synergistic Technologies & Associates will be working with botanical companies to help maximize their total operations based on Six Sigma principles and practices.
John A. MacKay, Ph.D.
Synergistic Technologies & Associates
Founder, CEO

[M]+1 508 736 2104
[E] [email protected]


“John has been a leader in cannabis science for nearly a decade.  If I want the facts about cannabis chemistry, he is on the top of my list.  John brings chemistry alive.  If you have experienced his creative mind by attending one of  his keynote presentations and expert panels on controversial topics, you already know why I believe you can benefit from a class by John.  Whether you want to make personal products, purchase safe products, or run a laboratory with thousands of pounds of hemp per day, learn from an innovator in the industry.”

– Shanel Lindsay of Synergistic Technologies Associates